Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm | Tel.: 514.788.3200 (Dr. Carey)514.788.3300 (Dr. Wang) |
Medical inquiries require a physician's referral.

Mole Removal Surgery

Mole Removal Surgery

What is mole removal surgery?

Mole removal surgery is a relatively minor procedure. Mole removal can be done for cosmetic reasons and/or medical reasons to prevent or diagnose skin cancer.

What to expect from mole removal surgery

Mole or keratosis removal surgery is done within our clinic and can be performed using several techniques. These techniques include:

  • Surgical shave
  • Surgical excision using a scalpel
  • Surgical excision using a laser
  • Freezing using liquid nitrogen

For best results your treatment method will be individualized by your doctor; depending on the appearance and depth of the mole and cosmetic outcome desired.

New Patient Form

This form is required for all new patients and provides us with everything we need on your first appointment.