Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm | Tel.: 514.788.3200 (Dr. Carey)514.788.3300 (Dr. Wang) |
Medical inquiries require a physician's referral.

Silk Peel

Silk Peel

Silk Peel is a new, breakthrough procedure that combines precision exfoliation with Dermalinfusion to address patient-specific skin conditions.

SilkPeel combines precision exfoliation with dermal infusion. The diamond treatment head exfoliates while delivering topical dermaceutical treatment at controlled intensity.
This treatment benefits:
  • dehydration
  • pigmentation
  • acne
  • dull complexions
How does Silk Peel work?
SilkPeel Dermalinfusion stimulates skin to produce collagen by removing surface abnormalities and allowing better penetration of prescribed skin treatments. Additional improvement is obtained with the application of specific treatment solutions. All skin types may be treated with Silk Peel.
What are the specific topical treatments?
SilkPeel Dermalinfusion� has specific dermaceuticals for hydrating, bleaching and acne.
What kind of Silk Peel results can I expect?
Softening of fine lines from sun damage, evening of surface pigmentation, increased smoothness, improved natural glow and radiance. Patients with acne can expect reduced acne and blackheads, and softening of mild acne scars.

New Patient Form

This form is required for all new patients and provides us with everything we need on your first appointment.