Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm | Tel.: 514.788.3200 (Dr. Carey)514.788.3300 (Dr. Wang) |
Medical inquiries require a physician's referral.

Filler Injections

Injectables Fillers

What are Filler injections?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural and essential skin component. It acts like a sponge that retains water and keeps the skin moisturized, plumped and healthy. As we age we lose up to 50 % of our hyaluronic acid and at the same time we also lose fat tissue usually starting in our 20’s; our skin becomes dryer, thin and fragile. In order to help reduce the signs of aging, hyaluronic acid gels can be injected within the skin, where it will act as a filler to replenish volume, texture and hydration to the skin and also remove wrinkles.

Common Treatment Conditions:

Aging, Damaged Skin

In addition to normal aging and loss of hyaluronic acid, our skin is exposed daily to various external factors that change its surface which results in the loss of brightness. Superficial injections efficiently hydrate the skin and revive its glow.

Common factors of aging, damaged skin:

  • Sun exposure
  • Pollution
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of sleep
  • Smoking


Static wrinkles – With time, our skin loses its volume and main components: collagen, elastin and especially hyaluronic acid. The dermis breaks down provoking the appearance of static wrinkles.

Dynamic wrinkles – The epidermis folds like a crumpled tissue each time we make any facial muscle movement. By repeating the same expression over and over again the skin eventually breaks down and dynamic wrinkles appear. Deeper injections fill wrinkles and create volume.

Volume Loss

With time, our skin progressively loses its structure due to:

  • Loss of hyaluronic acid and elasticity
  • Reduction of fat under the skin
  • Bone resorption

Consequently, our facial skin sags under the effect of gravity as the face loses its volume  causing cheekbones to flatten and tear troughs appear and around the eye. The material is injected into the skin to restore volume and a youthful contour of the face.

Corrective Treatments

Jawline Correction – by careful placement of hyaluronic acid, one can lift up the lower half of the face and remove the appearance of jowls without surgery with a simple procedure.

Nose Correction or filler rhinoplasty – small amounts of material can correct bumps, deviations (crooked nose), and even imperfections that occurred naturally, surgically or accidentally.  This is a simple procedure taking only minutes usually without any signs of bruising. Patients can return to work the same day without anyone knowing something has been done.

Back of hands – restoration of aged hands can be accomplished by restoring volume and hiding tendons and blood vessels that occur with age.

Scar corrections – depressed scars can often be improved by injections of fillers.

Volume correction

Wrinkle correction – wrinkles can easily be removed using fillers. Special fillers are used for wrinkles around the mouth which removes the lines without giving any volume to the lip.

Marionette lines – those grooves under the corners of the mouth can be easily removed or diminished with fillers

Neck lines – horizontal bands can now be erased with a new formulation of Hyaluronic acid

Texture and Hydration – using new formulations of Hyaluronic acid very superficial injections can improve the texture, hydration, and overall appearance of the skin by doing microbolus injections of the product over the entire face, neck or decollete. The medical team will determine the best treatment for your skin type

What to expect from Filler Injections

The filler that is selected as being the most appropriate for you is eased into the skin using a very fine needle. Depending on the improvement you are trying to achieve, the filler will be injected along wrinkles and deep facial folds, or into hollowed out areas of your face that have lost volume. By using a careful and artistic placement of the product we can restore youthfulness to the face giving a totally natural look. Our goal is always to restore a youthful look without anyone knowing that anything has been done.

The filler contains a local anesthetic so there is little discomfort when injected, however in order to optimize your comfort during the injection sessions, a topical anesthetic may be applied or injected.

After getting filler injections, you will be able to immediately see results, however it will take about 48 hours to see the full effect. The results will typically last years. Slight post procedure discomfort, redness, swelling and can be expected. Bruising may occur in certain areas and may take 5-7 days to disappear but this can be covered with make-up if required.

Tri-Site Bolus Technique

The technique is called the Tri-Site Bolus and was pioneered by our own Dr. Wayne Carey. Dr. Carey was the first person to describe and patent the Tri-Site Bolus injection technique in the mid-cheek. He lectures around the world teaching his method, which is the most common technique used for volume replacement.

Using this technique one is able to raise, soften or eliminate the tear trough; sculpt the cheeks to restore a youthful projection; and in many cases, eliminate the need for a lower lid blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery by creating a natural continuum between the lower eyelid and cheek. Tthe material is injected perpendicular to the skin as a confined bolus to create deep deposits in three specific sites, forming support structures.

The effects of the technique can last for years and does not need to be repeated often. Many years later with continued aging and fat loss, a small touch up with a modest amount may be used.

How to schedule a consult

To discuss your needs, expectations, and treatment options for fillers, please contact our clinic at 514-788-3200 Dr Carey and 514-788-3300 Dr Wang.

New Patient Form

This form is required for all new patients and provides us with everything we need on your first appointment.